In a harrowing post-apocalyptic world, the remnants of humanity cling to existence after the cataclysmic “War That Shook the Earth.” At the forefront of this harsh reality is Danica Arismith, a fearless leader of an infamous group of assassins known as “the right hand of death” or simply, “Spiders.” But when her very own faction betrays her, kidnapping her young son, Elias, Danica’s struggle for survival reaches its zenith.
Amidst the ruins of a world gone mad, Danica faces a heart-pounding odyssey through a treacherous landscape teeming with human traffickers, power-hungry warlords, and a shadowy death cult hell-bent on humanity’s extinction. As she navigates this perilous terrain, her journey becomes an electrifying battle not only for the future, but for the very essence of hope in a world on the brink of annihilation.