In the vast expanse of the galaxy, Hitomyris stands alone as the sole survivor of her enigmatic Kaibyo race, a feline-like species endowed with otherworldly powers. Her existence has been an endless escape from the relentless Scourers, the remnants of an interstellar militia sworn to obliterate her kind. But when Arman, the revered crown prince of the Mozadatae, pleads for her aid to avert an impending civil war on his sun-worshipping planet and uncover the truth behind his father’s assassination, Hitomyris faces an impossible choice.
Driven by her innate compassion, she emerges from the shadows, shedding her anonymity and incurring an even deadlier target on her back. As the mysteries unravel, the sinister threads of conspiracy and vengeance tangle. Who plotted the murder of Arman’s father, and what catalyzed the merciless genocide of the Kaibyo race? Amidst a volatile world of intrigue, the odds are stacked against them, and survival becomes a question of destiny. Together, they embark on a perilous journey to find answers, unveil the secrets of the past, and forge a future teetering on the brink of chaos and hope.