In a world gripped by a genetic Cold War, the race to forge superhuman soldiers has ignited a global frenzy. Among the cutting-edge creations of Takamura Tech, the enigmatic Nigel Takamura’s brainchild, Sonseeahray stands as the pinnacle of biowarfare prowess, her DNA rumored to be interwoven with that of legendary Japanese yokai. Tasked with leading the Global Commonwealth’s elite “Bayonets” force, designed to eliminate perilous genetic anomalies, Sonseeahray and her squad of genetically enhanced warriors embark on a high-octane collision course.
Their adversaries include shadowy government forces playing the role of genetic gods, bio-terrorists with apocalyptic ambitions, and a religious cult hell-bent on humanity’s annihilation. All the while, they must prepare a vulnerable earth for the impending extraterrestrial onslaught, forging a breathtaking saga where the line between saviors and destroyers blurs, and the future of our world teeters on the brink.